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Friends of the Georgetown Public Library (FGPL) are a registered 501 (c) (3) organization separate from the Georgetown Public Library. The Friends advocate for the Library and raise funds for programming, book acquisitions, and general support. The Friends hold a yearly meeting in May to elect officers and board members.
Los Amigos de la Biblioteca Pública de Georgetown (FGPL) son una organización registrada 501 (c) (3) separada de la Biblioteca Pública de Georgetown. Los Amigos abogan por la Biblioteca y recaudan fondos para programación, adquisición de libros y apoyo general. Los Amigos celebran una reunión anual en mayo para elegir funcionarios y miembros de la junta.
Current officers 2024 – 2025
Adult Fiction Hardbound – $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00
Toddler books (32 pages or less) – $0.10 each
Everything else (DVDs, CDs, Audio Books, Large Print, Fiction Softbound, Non-Fiction, Early, Juvenile, Young Adult) – $0.50 each or 3 for $1.00
The yearly membership year for FGPL runs from May 1 to April 30 of the following year. Membership forms are available at the library or download a PDF:
Types of memberships include:
Student: $5 for one year, $20 for 5 years
Individual: $10 for one year, $40 for 5 years, or $100 for a life membership
Family: $15 for one year, $50 for 5 years, or $150 for a life membership
Benefactor: $25 for one year, $75 for 5 years, or $200 for a life membership
Business/Civic: $25 for one year, $75 for 5 years, or $200 for a life membership
The Friends of the GPL meet the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. With the exception of August and December when no meeting is held.
The Friends of the GPL Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, May 21, 20256 at 4:30 p.m.